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How Superwinds Help Drive Galactic Development

Galactic superwinds – large outflows of gas created by a combination of supernova explosions and stellar winds – are closely connected to a galaxy’s earliest stages of development and evolution,…

Price Prize 2022

2022 Price Prize Winners Announced

CCAPP is proud to announce Cyndia Yu (Stanford) and Maddie Lucey (UT Austin) as the winners of the 2022 Price Prize in Cosmology and Astrophysics!         …


Dustin Nguyen Wins NASA's FINESST Grant

Dustin Nguyen is one of two Buckeyes to be awarded NASA's Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST) Grant for PhD students. There were a total of 927…

One of the images produced by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope, known as Webb's First Deep Field.

A Deep Dive into the Cosmos

Our jaws are still on the floor after seeing the new images from the James Webb Space Telescope. This image, known as Webb’s First Deep Field, is the highest-resolution image of the early universe…

John Beacom

John Beacom Awarded 2022 Outreach and Engagement Funded Impact Grant Proposal

John Beacom, director of CCAPP, was one of 11 awarded a 2022 Outreach and Engagement Funded Impact Grant for development of SciAccess, Inc., an international non-profit organization dedicated to…

The sun, made of mostly hydrogen and helium.

Neutrinos Hint The Sun Has More Carbon and Nitrogen Than Previously Thought

For two decades, scientists have been unable to decide exactly how much heavier elements such as oxygen and carbon — crucial for sustaining life-forms like humans —contribute to the sun’s…

The ASAS-SN telescope helping astronomers discover new stars.

Seeing Stars: Astronomers Identify 116,000 New Variable Stars

By applying machine-learning techniques to the Ohio State-operated All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN). ASAS-SN analyst Collin Christy and graduate student of astronomy Tharindu…


Dr. Krzysztof Z. Stanek Awarded Guggenheim Fellowship for 2022

Dr. Krzysztof Z. Stanek, professor of Astronomy, was one of two Ohio State Faculty awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship for 2022. Dr. Stanek was one of the 180 American and Canadian scientists and…

The Physics Research Building

Spring 2022 Physics Magazine Now Available Online!

Filled with great stories and highlights about the department over the past two years, the Spring 2022 OSU Physics Magazine has been made available online!

Print versions can be found in the…