Achieving in Science through Physics Instrumentation, Research, and Exploration

Founded and organized annually by Physics and CCAPP Prof. Amy Connolly, the ASPIRE workshop hosts high school female students entering grades 10 through 12 for a summer camp program, bridging the age gap between middle school and college for girls interested in science and engineering.
The workshop is held on campus in the Physics Research Building, where participants get the opportunity to use real world physics equipment and interact with physicists from all levels--undergraduate, graduate, post-doctoral and professor who share their knowledge and love of physics with participants.
Participants work on a radio-themed project where they search for a hidden transmitter using antennas and oscilloscopes, analyze real data from the ANITA neutrino experiment in Mathematica, and program an Arduino to produce their own mini-radio station. This provides invaluable exposure to real research environments, challenges and rewards at the same time learning more about the physics research at Ohio State.