2024-2025 Seminar Series
Please join us each Tuesday at 12:00 pm for the weekly CCAPP Seminar given by local and non-local scholars in the fields of cosmology and astrophysics. Seminars are held in person with Zoom access. Please email the seminar coordinators for the password.
August 27: Abigial Lee (2024 Price Prize Winner): "The J-region Asymptotic Giant Branch (JAGB) method: An Independent Measurement of the Hubble Constant using Carbon Stars as Standard Candles"
September 17: Jiachuan Xu (Arizona): "The Weak Lensing Hat-trick: Constraining Cosmology with Galaxy, CMB, and Kinematic Lensing"
October 1: Hanjue Zhu (2024 Price Prize Winner): "Probing the Frontiers of Reionization: Understanding the Physics of the Intergalactic Medium"
October 8: Hyebin Jeon (U Chicago) "Cosmic-ray isotope measurements with HELIX"
October 15: Jingyao Zhu (Columbia): "The HI content and ram pressure stripping in dwarf satellite galaxies"
October 22: Mainak Mukhopadhyay (PennState): "Multi-messenger signatures from magnetar remnants of binary neutron star mergers"
October 29: Rahul Jayaraman (MIT): "Time-Domain Astrophysics with the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite"
November 5: Uendert dos Santos Andrade (UMichigan): "Testing the Consistency of Growth and Expansion with the Dark Energy Survey"
November 12: Erwin Lau (Harvard): "Cosmology and Astrophysics with Multiwavelength Cross-Correlations of Galaxy Clusters and Groups"
November 19: Raphael Errani (CMU): "How micro galaxies could help constrain the properties of dark matter"
January 21: Mohit Bhardwaj (CMU): "Decoding the Mysteries of Fast Radio Bursts: Diverse Origins and Future Prospects"
February 4: Austin Cummings (Penn State): "Hunting High Energy Neutrinos with Balloons"
Upcoming Seminars
February 18: Ariane Dekker (Chicago)
March 4: Ming-Feng Ho (Michigan)
March 25: Yuan Li (UMass)
April 1: Siddhartha Gupta (Princeton)
April 8: Noemie Anne Beatrice Globus (Standford)
April 15: Matthew McQuinn (Washington)
April 22: Rasmi Hajjar (CSIC - U of Valencia)