

Amanda Smith's illustration of the Kepler-16 circumbinary planet system.

Astronomers identify real-life Tatooine using new method

Astronomers have used a new technique to confirm a real-life Tatooine, the fictional planet with two suns that was home to Luke Skywalker in “Star Wars.” 

Scientists already knew that…

Screenshot from the developed tutorial.

Project Mercury: Celebrating Black History Month

In celebration of Black History month, the STEMcoding Project led by Prof. Chris Orban teamed up with Jahmour Givans from the OSU Center for Cosmology and Astro-Particle Physics (CCAPP) to develop…

Hubble Space Telescope image of a nearby supernova remnant. Image Credit: NASA/ESA/HEIC

Laura Lopez Awarded HEAD Early Career Prize

The High Energy Astrophysics Division (also known as HEAD) has announced that it is awarding its 2022 Early Career Prize to Ohio State University's Prof. Laura Lopez.

This prize honors…


Michael Lisa Elected as a 2021 AAAS Fellow

In November of 2021, the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Council elected 564 Fellows of AAAS, honoring members whose efforts on the advancement of science distinguished…

Kitt Peak National Observatory

The International Effort to Create a 3D Map of the Universe

Though it’s only about 10% through its five-year mission, the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) has capped off the first seven months of its survey run by smashing through all…

Portrait of Alexander von Humboldt

Adam Leroy Wins Humboldt Research Award

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation has awarded the Humboldt Research Award to Adam Leroy, an associate professor in the Department of Astronomy who uses multi…

A black holes as depicted by PBS

Stringing Together a Black Hole Paradox

A PBS Space Time segment featuring Samir Mathur, a professor in the Department of Physics, examines how string theory could be the key to solving the paradoxical existence of black holes.

Clarivate's Highly Cited Researchers

Distinguished Professor David Weinberg Named in List of Highly Cited Researchers

David Weinberg, Distinguished University Professor and Chair of the Department of Astronomy, was named in Clarivate's 2021 list of Highly Cited Researchers. This recognition is due to the fact…

Space Shuttle Discovery lifts off from Kennedy Space Center as onlookers watch July 26, 2005, in Titusville, Florida. The shuttle crewmembers would have experienced time dilation and perceived the trip as taking less time than those on the ground. (Image credit: Mario Tama/Getty Images)

Time Dilation and How It Affects Us

Time dilation, the theory that time passes differently for different observers, affects many aspects of our lives that we don’t realize. Distinguished Professor of Astronomy Richard Pogge says GPS…