Speaker: Uendert dos Santos Andrade (UMich)
Testing the Consistency of Growth and Expansion with the Dark Energy Survey
In this presentation, I will discuss our ongoing efforts to test beyond-$\Lambda$CDM models using the final six-year data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES Y6). I will focus on an empirical approach called the "geometry-growth split," developed to investigate the consistency of cosmological parameters that govern the universe’s expansion history and structure growth. While this method was initially applied to DES Y1 analysis, and these results will be the focus of this talk, we are expanding its application to DES Y6 data. The approach involves splitting the matter density parameter into distinct components for geometry and growth. By analyzing galaxy clustering and weak lensing in combination with external data from Planck CMB, BAO, and RSD, we aim to assess whether DES Y6 data supports LCDM predictions or suggests potential new physics.
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