Lyman Alpha Forest Workshop
The Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics (CCAPP) at The Ohio State University (OSU) is hosting a Lyman Alpha Forest Workshop in Columbus, Ohio on October 10 and 11, with an evening welcome reception on October 9. All events will take place in the Physics Research Building on the Ohio State campus.
The purpose of the workshop is to bring together researchers that use the Lyman alpha forest to study the intergalactic medium, reionization, quasars, and large-scale structure with simulations, models, and observations with a range of spectral resolution. One motivation is to share results and techniques that are applicable to a broad range of new observations, including space-based UV and ground-based observations from both large, moderate resolution surveys (SDSS, DESI) and high-resolution observations with large telescopes. Another motivation is to think about future possibilities with next generation projects such as Spec-S5, the Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer, and WST.
To register, please complete the Lyman-Alpha Forest Workshop registration form. There is no registration fee. We have a block of rooms available at the Staybridge Suites OSU- October CCAPP link.
Support: CCAPP is able to provide support for local accommodations for a limited number of early career scientists. Please email Paul Martini if you would like to request this support.
Organizing Committee:
Andrei Cuceu
Naim Göksel Karaçaylı
Chris Hirata
Paul Martini
Smita Mathur
David Weinberg
Molly Wolfson