- Monday December 12 through Tuesday December 13, 2011
- The Center for Cosmology and Astro-Particle Physics (CCAPP) at The Ohio State University (OSU) is holding the DES Data Validation and Quality Assurance Workshop in Columbus, Ohio on Dec 12-13. Participation is limited to members of the DES Collaboration.
- The workshop will bring together members of the collaboration to discuss what specific tests the DES images will have to pass in order to be considered for the analysis of the different science working groups; when and where these tests are to be performed; whether there is a need for additional computing or man power to set up and run the test suites; where and how test results become visible for the collaboration.
Please contact one of the following with any workshop questions.
Klaus Honscheid (kh@physics.osu.edu)
Tim Eifler (teifler@mps.ohio-state.edu)
Peter Melchior (melchior.12@osu.edu)
There were 9 participants.