This 2.5-day workshop gathered the communities of theoretical and observational astronomers interested in stellar intensity and amplitude interferometry. The focus of this workshop was two-fold: (i) to explore and identify the most impactful scientific questions that stellar intensity interferometry can help answer; and (ii) to discuss the experimental configurations and techniques are best-suited to address these questions. A goal was to motivate new collaborative efforts between groups.
To optimize communication across a broad community of scientists, ample time for discussion was planned, and all presentation sessions were be plenary. The workshop was in hybrid format, with most presentations given in-person, but with many zoom participants who could not attend physically.
There was no registration fee. Some support for student local expenses was given.
The meeting was held in the Smith Seminar Room (room 1080), on the ground level off the atrium in the Physics Research Building.
All workshop participants were expected to follow the CCAPP Code of Conduct.
This workshop supported by
• Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics (CCAPP)
• Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU)
Workshop Organizers
• Mike Lisa (OSU) <lisa.1@osu.edu>
• Dave Kieda (Utah) <dave.kieda@utah.edu>
Follow the link to an electronic form to register for this workshop:
Participants will be making their own lodging accommodations. We recommend checking out one of these nearby hotels but there are other hotels in the area as well.
Located on Campus across the street from the Physics Research Building:
Blackwell Inn, 2110 Tuttle Park Place, Columbus Ohio 43210, 614-247-4000
Located 2 miles from Campus but each offers complimentary shuttle to campus:
Fairfield Inn & Suites, 3031 Olentangy River Road, Columbus Ohio 43202, 614-267-1111
Holiday Inn Express, 3045 Olentangy River Road, Columbus Ohio 43202, 614-447-1212
Springhill Suites, 1421 Olentangy River Road, Columbus Ohio 43212, 614-297-9912
Marriott Columbus University Area, 3100 Olentangy River Rd, Columbus, OH 43202, 614-447-9777
Located 2 miles south of Campus in Columbus' Short North Arts District, COTA city bus available to campus:
Moxy Columbus Short North, 808 N High St, Columbus, OH 43215, (614) 412-7664
Graduate Hotel, 750 N High St, Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 484-1900
Jason Aufdenberg (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University)
Fabien Baron (CHARA / Georgia State University)
John Beacom (OSU CCAPP)
Pedram Boghrat (OSU)
Daniel Brandenburg (OSU)
Matthew Brown (University of Oregon)
James Buckley (Washington University, St. Louis)
Colin Carlile (Lund Observatory)
Alejo Cifuentes (CIEMAT)
Juan Cortina (CIEMAT)
Curt Cutler (JPL-Caltech)
Domenico Della Volpe (University of Geneva)
Dainis Dravins (Lund Observatory)
David Fink (Max Planck)
William Guerin (Université Côte d'Azur)
Tarek Hassan (CIEMAT Spain)
John Hoang (UCSC)
Elliott Horch (Southern Connecticut State University)
Irene Jimenez Martinez (CIEMAT)
Sebastian Karl (University of Erlangen)
Dave Kieda (University of Utah)
Brian Kloppenborg (AAVSO)
Klaus Honscheid (OSU CCAPP)
Jennifer Lee (Ball Aerospace)
Verena Leopold (University of Erlangen)
Mike Lisa (OSU CCAPP)
Macarena Lopez-Tapia
Nolan Matthews (Institute of Physics of Nice)
Alison Mitchell (FAU Erlangen)
Sahar Nikkhah (OSU)
Andre Nomerotski (Brookhaven National Lab)
Ryan Norris (New Mexico Tech)
Nicolas Produit (University of Geneva)
Km Nitu Rai (Indian Institute)
Noel Richardson (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University)
Stephen Ridgway (NOIRLab)
Josie Rose (OSU)
Prasenjit Saha (University of Zurich)
Jean Schneider (Paris)
John Scott (OSU)
Mackenzie Scott (OSU)
Albert Stebbins (Fermilab)
Maria Stefaniak (OSU)
Robert Stencel (University of Denver)
Peng Kian Tan (Centre for Quantum Technologies, Singapore)
Jun Takahashi (Unicamp)
David Traore (ORBIT)
Cameron Valdez
Ken Van Tilburg (New York University)
Giuseppe Verde (INFN Catania (Italy) & L2I Toulouse (France))
Naomi Vogel (Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics)
Joachim von Zanthier (University of Erlangen)
Terry Walker (OSU CCAPP)
Roland Walter (University of Geneva)
Ji Wang (OSU Astronomy)
Shiang-Yu Wang (Academia Sinica, Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics)
Luca Zampieri (INAF-Astronomical Observatory of Padova)
All sessions will be held in the Smith Seminar Room (room 1080) in the Physics Research Building.
zoom information in the image below:
All workshop participants are expected to follow the CCAPP Code of Conduct.
Monday, May 22, 2023
- 9:00 M. Lisa & J. Beacom - Welcome
- 9:15 M. Brown - Quantum amplitude interferometry: Theory and practice - [slides]
- 10:00 W. Guerin - Intensity Interferometry with Optical Telescopes: Recent progress and future plans - [slides]
- 10:45 Break
- 11:15 N. Richardson - Long baseline interferometry of massive stars and binaries: A tool to understand the effects of binary interactions and evolution - [slides]
- 12:00 P. Kervella - New frontiers of optical long-baseline amplitude interferometry - [slides]
- 12:30 Lunch break
- 14:00 E. Horch - Long baselines at a small university: Highly portable stellar intensity interferometry - [slides]
- 14:45 D. Kieda - The VERITAS SII northern sky survey - [slides]
- 15:30 Break
- 16:00 M. Scott - Measurement of Merak with VERITAS SII - [slides]
- 16:30 N. Vogel - Stellar intensity interferometry with the HESS telescopes - [slides]
- 17:00 J. Aufdenberg - Leveraging blue visibilities: A stellar atmosphere model pipeline for VERITAS SII - [slides]
- 17:45 Adjourn
- 18:00-19:30 Happy hour (over 21) at the Blackwell Inn (3-minute walk from Physics)
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
- 9:00 K. Van Tilberg - Extended-path intensity interferometry correlation for differential astrometry [slides]
- 9:45 A. Nomerotski - Quantum-assisted optical interferometry for precision astrometry - [slides]
- 10:30 Break
- 11:00 A. Stebbins - The Angular Resolution Frontier with Count Intensity Interferometry - [pdf | keynote]
- 11:45 S. Karl - HBT interferometry: From small telescopes to ultra-high-rate single photon counting detectors - [slides]
- 12:30 Lunch break
- 14:00 P. Saha - Towards resolving asymmetric stellar surfaces - [slides]
- 14:30 L. Zampieri - Photon counting stellar intensity interferometry with the ASTRI mini-array - [slides]
- 15:00 T. Hassan - Stellar intensity interferometry with the MAGIC telescopes - [slides]
- 15:30 Break
- 16:00 B. Kloppenborg - Collaboration opportunities between AAVSO and Optical Interferometers - [slides]
- 16:30 U-L. Pen - Potential for intensity interferometry at San Pedro Martir - [slides]
- 17:00 N. Matthews - Pupil plane intensity interferometry with imaging air Cherenkov telescopes - [slides]
- 17:30 P.K. Tan - Single-aperature intensity and Mach-Zehnder interferometers - [slides]
- 18:00 Adjourn
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
- 9:00 J. Buckley - Upgrade of the VERITAS gamma-ray observatory for high-speed optical astronomy - [slides]
- 9:30 R. Walter - QUASAR: QUantum Astronomy for Super Angular Resolution - [slides]
- 10:15 Break
- 10:45 Alison Mitchell - Science Cases and Opportunities for SII with Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes - [slides]
- 11:15 M. Lisa - A CPU-based correlator for VERITAS - [slides]
- 11:45 N. Rai - Simulation of binary star systems with stellar intensity interferometry - [slides]
- 12:15 Adjourn