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Into the Void -- Sky & Telescope Magazine

December 4, 2014

Into the Void -- Sky & Telescope Magazine

Image of a nebula

The latest issue of Sky & Telescope (Feb 2015), author Marcus Woo walks readers through the science of . . . nothing. Featuring research of postdoc Paul Sutter and his work on cosmic voids.

"Empty space makes up most of the universe by volume, and though most astronomers are drawn to light, it's in these blackest of voids where we can potentially learn the most about dark energy, dark matter, and the growth of galaxies."

"Space is Pretty Empty. And Paul Sutter likes empty. He likes it so much, in fact, that he spends his time exploring the most barren regions of the universe, vast gaps known as cosmic voids."

To read this article: https://www.skyandtelescope.com/sky-and-telescope-magazine/beyond-the-printed-page/flying-cosmic-voids/