Two OSU Physics Alumni Win the 2020 Dissertation Award of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics

September 30, 2019

Two OSU Physics Alumni Win the 2020 Dissertation Award of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics

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Shirley Li and Isaac Upsal have been awarded the 2020 Dissertation Award of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics. Shirley Li is an alumna of both OSU's Physics Department as well as CCAPP. Isaac Upsal is an alum of OSU's Physics Department as well. This is the first time in the award's history that both recipients are from the same institution. 

Li was presented with the award "for outstanding contributions to neutrino astrophysics." Upsal was presented the award "for the discovery and measurement of the vorticity of the quark gluon plasma in relativistic heavy ion collisions, and for indispensable leadership in te design and construction of an upgrade detector, providing crucial new capabilities to the STAR experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider."

More information on this prestigious award and it's recipients can be found at: