COSI Hires First Chief Scientist
Paul Sutter, cosmological research and community outreach coordinator for CCAPP has also been appointed the first Cheif Scientist at COSI. "Proving that sometimes you can have the best of two possible worlds, both Ohio State and COSI created brand-new positions for Sutter that will allow him to captivate and innovate through scientific outreach...Sutter has gained a reputation for not just being able to translate science to the public, but doing it in such a way that is addictive."
"In his spare time, Sutter is one of the world's leading experts on cosmic voids - the vast empty spaces between galaxies - and has devised innovative methods for using radio telescopes to probe deep into cosmic history, when the first stars and galaxies formed."
OSU Arts & Sciences Article "Science is Sharing"
WOSU Article and Interview "COSI Hires First Chief Scientist, Paul Sutter"