Benincasa named 2021 President's Postdoctoral Scholar

Nine postdoctoral scholars in the College of Arts and Sciences were named 2021 President’s Postdoctoral Scholars, supported by the Office of the President. Recipients receive a minimum of $50,000 in salary support, benefits and $5,000 for research-related and program travel expenses. Scholars also receive faculty mentoring and professional development opportunities. Appointments are for a minimum of 24 months and renewal for the second year is subject to a positive evaluation.
Samantha Benincasa
Department of Astronomy, Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics
Faculty Mentor(s): Laura Lopez and Adam Leroy
Samantha Benincasa received her Masters and PhD in Physics from McMaster University in Ontario where she specialized in the use of computer simulations to study galaxy evolution. She is currently a CCAPP and NSERC fellow at Ohio State’s Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics. She is a theoretical astrophysicist whose work focuses on how stars form and galaxies assemble. At OSU she will work to interpret cutting-edge telescope observations through the lens of her state-of-the-art galaxy simulations. Her research interests focus around the relationship between stars and cold, dense gas in galaxies, as well as synthetic observations of galaxy simulations.