December 3, 2017
Ohio Union U.S. Bank Conference Theatre
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2017-12-03 15:00:00
2017-12-03 16:00:00
Science Sundays: "Particle Physics: New Research Frontiers" Joe Lykken
Particle physics, the quest to understand the smallest objects in the universe, depends on operating powerful colliders, like those at Fermilab and CERN. Surprisingly, the answers we get also shed light on the largest objects, such as the universe itself. Lykken outlines deep theoretical questions, exciting experimental programs and how they connect.
Joseph Lykken, a theoretical physicist, is deputy director and chief research officer of Fermilab, the leading particle physics laboratory in the United States.
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Ohio Union U.S. Bank Conference Theatre
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2017-12-03 15:00:00
2017-12-03 16:00:00
Science Sundays: "Particle Physics: New Research Frontiers" Joe Lykken
Particle physics, the quest to understand the smallest objects in the universe, depends on operating powerful colliders, like those at Fermilab and CERN. Surprisingly, the answers we get also shed light on the largest objects, such as the universe itself. Lykken outlines deep theoretical questions, exciting experimental programs and how they connect.
Joseph Lykken, a theoretical physicist, is deputy director and chief research officer of Fermilab, the leading particle physics laboratory in the United States.
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Ohio Union U.S. Bank Conference Theatre
Particle physics, the quest to understand the smallest objects in the universe, depends on operating powerful colliders, like those at Fermilab and CERN. Surprisingly, the answers we get also shed light on the largest objects, such as the universe itself. Lykken outlines deep theoretical questions, exciting experimental programs and how they connect.
Joseph Lykken, a theoretical physicist, is deputy director and chief research officer of Fermilab, the leading particle physics laboratory in the United States.