Time: Thursday July 30th, at 11:30am.
Speaker: Teresa Marrodan
Institute: Max Planck Institute fuer Kernphysik, in Heibelberg
Title: "Observation of excess electronic recoil events in XENON1T"
"XENON1T is an experiment designed to measure nuclear recoils induced by dark-matter particle interactions in the Milky Way. The detector consist of a dual-phase time projection chamber (TPC) with 2 tons of xenon in the target. Due to its large mass and ultra-low background, the physics case of XENON1T is expanded to further rare event searches. In this talk, results from searches for new physics with low-energy electronic recoil data will be reported. The data enables competitive searches for solar axions, an enhanced neutrino magnetic moment using solar neutrinos, and bosonic dark matter. An excess over known backgrounds is observed below 7 keV, rising towards lower energies and prominent between 2–3 keV. The talk will discuss the cross-checks performed to the data, additional possible backgrounds and the results for the different searches for new physics. The experiment has been upgraded to XENONnT containing 6 tons of liquid xenon inside the TPC. While the commissioning of the new detector is currently on-going, the new data will soon allow to test the current excess."