July 10, 2018
PRB 4138
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2018-07-10 10:30:00
2018-07-10 11:30:00
CCAPP Seminar: "Testing LambdaCDM with weak lensing and galaxy statistics in the Dark Energy Survey" Niall MacCrann (OSU Physics)
I'll discuss how we can extract robust cosmological information from large optical imaging surveys like the Dark Energy Survey (DES). I'll outline how we approached some of the challenges associated with the DES Y1 weak lensing and clustering analyses, and how we can improve on these approaches for future datasets.
PRB 4138
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2018-07-10 11:30:00
2018-07-10 12:30:00
CCAPP Seminar: "Testing LambdaCDM with weak lensing and galaxy statistics in the Dark Energy Survey" Niall MacCrann (OSU Physics)
I'll discuss how we can extract robust cosmological information from large optical imaging surveys like the Dark Energy Survey (DES). I'll outline how we approached some of the challenges associated with the DES Y1 weak lensing and clustering analyses, and how we can improve on these approaches for future datasets.
PRB 4138
I'll discuss how we can extract robust cosmological information from large optical imaging surveys like the Dark Energy Survey (DES). I'll outline how we approached some of the challenges associated with the DES Y1 weak lensing and clustering analyses, and how we can improve on these approaches for future datasets.