Speaker: Mandy Chen (UChicago)
Spatially-resolved CGM dynamics in both non-active and active halos
Being able to map out the low-density gas with unprecedented sensitivity, the recent advent of high-throughput integral-field-unit spectrographs has tremendously aided in our investigation of the dynamical structures of the circumgalactic medium (CGM) – the pivotal juncture bridging galaxies and the diffuse intergalactic medium. I will present spatially-resolved kinematic measures of the CGM (up to a scale of ~100kpc) around both star-forming galaxies and AGNs. Using Lyman-alpha, [OII], and [OIII] emission lines detected by VLT/MUSE as tracers, we study objects from a wide range of redshifts between z=0.5 and z=4. I will show that, with the help of Lyman-alpha radiative transfer models and two-point statistics of the velocity field, we are able to reveal detailed dynamical properties within the CGM, including the steep velocity gradient of star-formation-driven outflows and the subsonic turbulent energy cascade in active halos.