CCAPP Seminar: Jason Nordhaus (Rochester)

Jason Nordhaus (Rutgers)
October 22, 2019
11:30AM - 12:30PM
PRB 4138

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2019-10-22 11:30:00 2019-10-22 12:30:00 CCAPP Seminar: Jason Nordhaus (Rochester) Jason Nordhaus (Rochester) Common Envelope Evolution The diverse physical processes that occur in post-main-sequence binaries contain many open questions.  Stellar, sub-stellar, or compact-object companions orbiting within ~10 AU of their host stars may strongly interact as the primary star evolves off the main sequence and the orbits destabilize.  Such systems likely incur a common envelope phase, an important but brief channel in stellar evolution, that results in either the emergence of a short-period binary or the destruction of the companion (or the primary’s core).  In this talk, I will highlight recent numerical and theoretical work on common envelopes. PRB 4138 Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics (CCAPP) America/New_York public

Jason Nordhaus (Rochester)

Common Envelope Evolution

The diverse physical processes that occur in post-main-sequence binaries contain many open questions.  Stellar, sub-stellar, or compact-object companions orbiting within ~10 AU of their host stars may strongly interact as the primary star evolves off the main sequence and the orbits destabilize.  Such systems likely incur a common envelope phase, an important but brief channel in stellar evolution, that results in either the emergence of a short-period binary or the destruction of the companion (or the primary’s core).  In this talk, I will highlight recent numerical and theoretical work on common envelopes.

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