Speaker: Elias Aydi (Hubble Fellow, Michigan State University)
Title: New insight into classical novae
Novae are panchromatic transients triggered by a thermonuclear runaway on the surface of whitedwarfs in interacting binaries. Our understanding of how novae are powered has been altered withFermi-LAT establishing novae as GeV gamma-ray sources and has underscored the role of shocks inpowering novae. In this talk I will highlight the ongoing multi-wavelength efforts aimed at improvingour understanding of shocks in novae. These efforts will help us probe critical but poorly understood processes, such as common envelope interaction, super-Eddington luminosities, particle acceleration efficiency, and dust formation around explosive transients, and will be essential for abetter understanding of other shock-powered transient such as Type Ia-CSM SNe, stellar mergers, and TDEs