October 30, 2018
PRB, Room 4138
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2018-10-30 10:30:00
2018-10-30 11:30:00
CCAPP Seminar: "Chasing the Cosmic Accelerators with Multiple Messengers" Claire Guepin (IAP)
The advent of multi-messenger and transient astronomy is giving new insights into the most powerful particle accelerators of the Universe. Despite the recent breakthroughs in observation and modeling of transient phenomena, long-lasting mysteries still obscure the high-energy Universe, as the origins of ultra-high energy cosmic-rays (UHECR) and high-energy (HE) neutrinos are still unknown.
Deciding between the various source candidates is not an easy task, which requires a precise modeling of the propagation, acceleration and interactions or cosmic-rays. We derive general criteria allowing to point the most promising transient sources for the emission of HE transient neutrino signals, which could be detected by the IceCube experiment, and future detectors such as GRAND or POEMMA.
A detailed study of the fate of UHECR in the vicinity of the sources is required to refine these results and predict additional multi-messenger signatures. Using a code that we developed for this purpose, we can simulate the propagation and interaction of UHECR in any radiative background. This can be efficiently applied to tidal disruptions by massive black holes or neutron star mergers.
Moreover, Pulsar magnetospheres are good laboratories to study precisely particle acceleration. Using particle in cell simulations, we show that accelerated ions can escape from these environments. This leads to observational signatures, as for instance a diffuse gamma-ray emission in the galactic center region.
PRB, Room 4138
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2018-10-30 11:30:00
2018-10-30 12:30:00
CCAPP Seminar: "Chasing the Cosmic Accelerators with Multiple Messengers" Claire Guepin (IAP)
The advent of multi-messenger and transient astronomy is giving new insights into the most powerful particle accelerators of the Universe. Despite the recent breakthroughs in observation and modeling of transient phenomena, long-lasting mysteries still obscure the high-energy Universe, as the origins of ultra-high energy cosmic-rays (UHECR) and high-energy (HE) neutrinos are still unknown.
Deciding between the various source candidates is not an easy task, which requires a precise modeling of the propagation, acceleration and interactions or cosmic-rays. We derive general criteria allowing to point the most promising transient sources for the emission of HE transient neutrino signals, which could be detected by the IceCube experiment, and future detectors such as GRAND or POEMMA.
A detailed study of the fate of UHECR in the vicinity of the sources is required to refine these results and predict additional multi-messenger signatures. Using a code that we developed for this purpose, we can simulate the propagation and interaction of UHECR in any radiative background. This can be efficiently applied to tidal disruptions by massive black holes or neutron star mergers.
Moreover, Pulsar magnetospheres are good laboratories to study precisely particle acceleration. Using particle in cell simulations, we show that accelerated ions can escape from these environments. This leads to observational signatures, as for instance a diffuse gamma-ray emission in the galactic center region.
PRB, Room 4138
The advent of multi-messenger and transient astronomy is giving new insights into the most powerful particle accelerators of the Universe. Despite the recent breakthroughs in observation and modeling of transient phenomena, long-lasting mysteries still obscure the high-energy Universe, as the origins of ultra-high energy cosmic-rays (UHECR) and high-energy (HE) neutrinos are still unknown.
Deciding between the various source candidates is not an easy task, which requires a precise modeling of the propagation, acceleration and interactions or cosmic-rays. We derive general criteria allowing to point the most promising transient sources for the emission of HE transient neutrino signals, which could be detected by the IceCube experiment, and future detectors such as GRAND or POEMMA.
A detailed study of the fate of UHECR in the vicinity of the sources is required to refine these results and predict additional multi-messenger signatures. Using a code that we developed for this purpose, we can simulate the propagation and interaction of UHECR in any radiative background. This can be efficiently applied to tidal disruptions by massive black holes or neutron star mergers.
Moreover, Pulsar magnetospheres are good laboratories to study precisely particle acceleration. Using particle in cell simulations, we show that accelerated ions can escape from these environments. This leads to observational signatures, as for instance a diffuse gamma-ray emission in the galactic center region.