CCAPP Seminar: Cat Fielder (UArizona)

Cat Fielder
January 30, 2024
12:00PM - 1:00PM
PRB 4138 & Zoom

Date Range
2024-01-30 12:00:00 2024-01-30 13:00:00 CCAPP Seminar: Cat Fielder (UArizona) Speaker: Cat FielderAll Puffed Up: Tidal Heating as an Ultra Diffuse Galaxy Formation PathwayI present new follow-up observations of two ultra-diffuse galaxies (UDGs), part of a total sample of five chosen for their distorted morphologies, suggestive of tidal influence. Using Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys F555W and F814W imaging, I identify 8 ± 2 globular clusters (GCs) in KUG 0203-Dw1 and 6 ± 2 in KDG 013, abundances that are fairly typical for normal dwarf galaxies of similar stellar mass. Jansky Very Large Array data reveal a clear HI detection of KUG 0203-Dw1 with a gas mass estimate of log MHI /M⊙ ≲ 7.4 and evidence of active stripping by the host. HI gas is found near the location of KDG 013 but is likely unrelated to the UDG itself due to the morphology and the numerous gas tails within the host group. Given that these UDGs have GC abundances typical for galaxies at their luminosity, these findings suggest that they likely originated as normal dwarf galaxies that have been subjected to significant stripping and tidal heating, causing them to become more diffuse. These two UDGs complete a sample of five exhibiting tidal features in the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey area (CFHTLS; ∼ 150 square deg), including UDGs with and without UV emission, indicative of recent star formation. Four UDGs in this sample, consistent with dwarfs ‘puffed-up’ by tidal interactions, contrast with an outlier, suggesting a dwarf merger origin. These findings indicate that tidal heating of dwarfs is a viable formation pathway for UDGs. PRB 4138 & Zoom Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics (CCAPP) America/New_York public

Speaker: Cat Fielder

All Puffed Up: Tidal Heating as an Ultra Diffuse Galaxy Formation Pathway

I present new follow-up observations of two ultra-diffuse galaxies (UDGs), part of a total sample of five chosen for their distorted morphologies, suggestive of tidal influence. Using Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys F555W and F814W imaging, I identify 8 ± 2 globular clusters (GCs) in KUG 0203-Dw1 and 6 ± 2 in KDG 013, abundances that are fairly typical for normal dwarf galaxies of similar stellar mass. Jansky Very Large Array data reveal a clear HI detection of KUG 0203-Dw1 with a gas mass estimate of log MHI /M⊙ ≲ 7.4 and evidence of active stripping by the host. HI gas is found near the location of KDG 013 but is likely unrelated to the UDG itself due to the morphology and the numerous gas tails within the host group. Given that these UDGs have GC abundances typical for galaxies at their luminosity, these findings suggest that they likely originated as normal dwarf galaxies that have been subjected to significant stripping and tidal heating, causing them to become more diffuse. These two UDGs complete a sample of five exhibiting tidal features in the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey area (CFHTLS; ∼ 150 square deg), including UDGs with and without UV emission, indicative of recent star formation. Four UDGs in this sample, consistent with dwarfs ‘puffed-up’ by tidal interactions, contrast with an outlier, suggesting a dwarf merger origin. These findings indicate that tidal heating of dwarfs is a viable formation pathway for UDGs.

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