Please join us for the CCAPP seminar of Axel Widmark (University of Copenhagen)
The seminar will take place on zoom at 11:30am on Tuesday, October 26.
The title and abstract of Marta's seminar are below, together with the zoom link and password. John (email: "beacom.7@osu.edu") will be hosting Axel next week. To schedule a meeting, please use the following Google Doc:
specifying your room or zoom link. Axel has highlighted the slots he is available in green. Axel will also be joining us at coffee the Tuesday of his talk and at Astroparticle lunch.
Title: Weighing the Galactic disk using phase-space spirals
Link for the CCAPP Seminar on Tuesday:https://osu.zoom.us/j/96209154804?pwd=d1lWZnRueGVVa2tabUZTak4xSkpaQT09password: CCAPP-2021
Abstract: We have developed a new method for inferring the gravitational potential of the Galactic disk, using the time-varying structure of a phase-space spiral in the plane of vertical position and vertical velocity. Our method of inference extracts information from the shape of the spiral and disregards the bulk density distribution that is usually used to perform dynamical mass measurements. In this manner, it is complementary to traditional methods that are based on the assumption of a steady state. We have demonstrated the accuracy of our method on one-dimensional simulations. We have also applied our method to Gaia data, from which we inferred the local halo dark matter density and placed the most stringent constraints to the surface density of a thin dark disk.