The extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: clustering measurements, lessons and prospects
In this talk I will present the clustering analysis of the ELG (Emission Line Galaxy) sample from the eBOSS (extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey) program of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and review the other clustering analyses of the eBOSS program, dedicated to Luminous Red Galaxies and Quasars. I will discuss theoretical, observational and analysis systematics, how they were estimated and mitigated, focusing on the improvements over the last release of the BOSS program in 2016. Specifically, I will start by presenting the extensive work of the eBOSS collaboration to test model predictions against N-body simulations. The different observational systematics of the eBOSS samples will be reviewed, as well as the adopted correction schemes and the new analysis techniques used to mitigate residual systematics. Different analysis assumptions and their impact on the clustering measurements will be discussed. After a review of eBOSS legacy cosmological measurements, I will finish by drawing lessons and prospects for future galaxy surveys.