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13th Annual R. Jack and Forest Lynn Biard Lecture - Sera Markoff - Imaging (and Imagining) Black Holes

Sgr A*
October 12, 2022
6:30PM - 8:30PM
Ohio Union, Archie M. Griffin East Ballroom

Date Range
2022-10-12 18:30:00 2022-10-12 20:30:00 13th Annual R. Jack and Forest Lynn Biard Lecture - Sera Markoff - Imaging (and Imagining) Black Holes This event is free and open to all! Register for a Free Eventbrite Ticket! Sera Markoff (https://www.seramarkoff.com) is a full professor of theoretical astrophysics/astroparticle physics at the University of Amsterdam, focused on the extreme physics around compact objects like black holes. She was educated in the US (BSc Physics @ MIT 1993, PhD Theoretical Astrophysics @University of Arizona 2000) before heading to Europe to work at the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Germany as a Humboldt Research Fellow and then back to MIT as an NSFAstronomy & Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellow, before joining the faculty in Amsterdam in 2006. She has won numerous awards for her research, including the top Dutch Research Council personal career grants VIDI and VICI, and was named Fellow of the American Physical Society in 2014 for her work on black holes. She has also won awards for her community outreach projects. Within the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration she currently serves as vice-chair of the EHT Science Council and co-coordinates the  Multi-Wavelength Science Working Group. At the 13th Annual Biard Lecture, Sera Markoff will be presenting "Imaging (and Imagining) Black Holes." Abstract: Black holes are one of the most exotic consequences of Einstein’s general relativity, yet they are also very common, from stellar remnants up to beasts over a billion times more massive than our sun. Despite their reputation as cosmic vacuum cleaners, they actually manage to convert a large fraction of gravitationally captured material into other forms that can escape the black hole and majorly impact their surroundings. In fact we now think that black holes, via such processes, help define how the largest scales of structure in the Universe look today. To understand the source of this energy we need to study the regions just outside the Event Horizon, something we have now achieved (twice!!) with the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT). I will explain not only the exciting EHT results for the supermassive black holes M87* and Sgr A* but also their importance for our greater understanding of astrophysics. I will also discuss some questions that remain outstanding and the outlook for future studies. Register for a Free Eventbrite Ticket Ohio Union, Archie M. Griffin East Ballroom Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics (CCAPP) ccapp@osu.edu America/New_York public

This event is free and open to all!

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Sera Markoff (https://www.seramarkoff.com) is a full professor of theoretical astrophysics/astroparticle physics at the University of Amsterdam, focused on the extreme physics around compact objects like black holes. She was educated in the US (BSc Physics @ MIT 1993, PhD Theoretical Astrophysics @University of Arizona 2000) before heading to Europe to work at the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Germany as a Humboldt Research Fellow and then back to MIT as an NSFAstronomy & Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellow, before joining the faculty in Amsterdam in 2006. She has won numerous awards for her research, including the top Dutch Research Council personal career grants VIDI and VICI, and was named Fellow of the American Physical Society in 2014 for her work on black holes. She has also won awards for her community outreach projects. Within the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration she currently serves as vice-chair of the EHT Science Council and co-coordinates the  Multi-Wavelength Science Working Group.

At the 13th Annual Biard Lecture, Sera Markoff will be presenting "Imaging (and Imagining) Black Holes."


Black holes are one of the most exotic consequences of Einstein’s general relativity, yet they are also very common, from stellar remnants up to beasts over a billion times more massive than our sun. Despite their reputation as cosmic vacuum cleaners, they actually manage to convert a large fraction of gravitationally captured material into other forms that can escape the black hole and majorly impact their surroundings. In fact we now think that black holes, via such processes, help define how the largest scales of structure in the Universe look today. To understand the source of this energy we need to study the regions just outside the Event Horizon, something we have now achieved (twice!!) with the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT). I will explain not only the exciting EHT results for the supermassive black holes M87* and Sgr A* but also their importance for our greater understanding of astrophysics. I will also discuss some questions that remain outstanding and the outlook for future studies.

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