September 10 - September 15, 2018
Organized by Amy Connolly
The Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics (CCAPP) at The Ohio State University (OSU) is hosting the Radio Array workshop in Columbus, Ohio.
For decades, the field of neutrino astronomy using the radio technique, has been split between many camps, and among those deploying radio arrays in the ice, there have been two main camps, the Askaryan Radio Array (ARA) at the South Pole and ARIANNA at Moore's Bay closer to the Antarctic coast. Both of these two experiments have been in a prototyping phase for the past ten years, and NSF has made it clear that we need to combine forces in order for a significant expansion of the arrays to have any chance of success.
This workshop, hosted by Amy Connolly, will allow for collaboration about what a proposed array would look like. The first few days, simulators and analyzers will work together to test designs against the science goals that Amy led the group to agree on. They plan to draw on the genetic algorithms that were developed as part of the GENETIS group that CCAPP supported through a workshop this year. Friday and Saturday will be more PI-focused days where participants will review science goals, air ideas on the horizon, and present one or two designs.
List of Participants
Jordan Hanson -- Whittier College
Tsungche Liu -- National Taiwan University
Jiwoo Nam -- National Taiwan University
Anna Nelles -- DESY
Abigail Vieregg -- University of Chicago
Eric Oberla -- University of Chicago
Cosmin Deaconu -- University of Chicago
Albrecht Karle -- University of Wisconsin
Mike Duvernois -- University of Wisconsin
Ming-Yuan -- University of Wisconsin
Ben Hokanson -- Fasig University of Wisconsin
Thomas Meures -- University of Wisconsin
Carl Pfendner -- Otterbein College
Brian Clark -- OSU
Amy Connolly -- OSU
Steven Prohira -- OSU
Jorge Torres Espinosa -- OSU
Julie Rolla -- OSU
Thomas Sinha -- OSU
Suren Gourapura -- OSU
James Beatty -- OSU
Nick van Eijndhoven -- Brussels
Christan Glaser -- UC Irvine
Chris Persichilli -- UC Irvine
Steve Barwick -- UC Irvine
Robert Lahman -- UC Irvine
Dave Seckel -- University of Delaware
Yue Pan -- University of Delaware
Kara Hoffman -- University of Maryland
Dave Besson -- University of Kansas
Uzair Latif -- University of Kansas
Sasha -- University of Kansas
Andrew Shultz -- University of Kansas
Brendon Madison -- University of Kansas
Spencer Klein -- Lawerence Berkeley Lab